Recent Publications

Found 137 results
Thomas AWilliam, Ashley J.D, Detmold W, Leinweber DBruce, Melnitchouk W., Young RDaniel. "Progress in the calculation of nucleon form factors and parton distribution functions." {Particles and nuclei. Proceedings, 16th International Conference, PANIC'02, Osaka, Japan, September 30-October 4, 2002}. 2003;A721:915-921.
Detmold W. "Solution of coupled vertex and propagator Dyson-Schwinger equations in the scalar Munczek-Nemirovsky model." Phys. Rev.. 2003;D67:085011.
Bender A, Detmold W, Roberts C.D, Thomas AWilliam. "Bethe-Salpeter equation and a nonperturbative quark gluon vertex." Phys. Rev.. 2002;C65:065203.
Detmold W, Thomas AWilliam, Melnitchouk W. "Chiral behavior of quark distributions from lattice QCD." {Meson nucleon physics and the structure of the nucleon. Proceedings, 9th International Symposium, MENU 2001, Washington, USA, July 26-31, 2001}. 2002;16:331-333.
Detmold W, Melnitchouk W., Thomas AWilliam. "Moments of isovector quark distributions from lattice QCD." Phys. Rev.. 2002;D66:054501.
Detmold W. "Moments of quark distributions from lattice QCD." {Lattice Hadron Physics. Proceedings: Workshop, LHP 2001, Cairns, Australia, Jul 9-18, 2001}. 2002;109A:40-44.
Thomas AWilliam, Detmold W, Melnitchouk W. "Progress in the calculation of parton distributions in QCD." {Perspectives in hadronic physics. Proceedings, 3rd International Conference, Trieste, Italy, May 7-11, 2001}. 2002;A699:26-32.
Detmold W, Melnitchouk W., Negele JW, Renner DBryant, Thomas AWilliam. "Chiral extrapolation of lattice moments of proton quark distributions." Phys. Rev. Lett.. 2001;87:172001.
Detmold W. "Chiral Extrapolation of Lattice Structure Function Calculations.". In: {Proceedings, Workshop on Lepton Scattering, Hadrons and QCD: Adelaide, Australia, March 26-April 6, 2001}.; 2001:1.
Bender A, Detmold W, Thomas AWilliam. "Dependence of the chiral symmetry restoration transition on the quark selfenergy kernel." Phys. Lett.. 2001;B516:54-60.
Detmold W, Leinweber DBruce, Melnitchouk W., Thomas AWilliam, Wright SVictor. "A New slant on hadron structure." {Nuclear physics. Proceedings, International Symposium, Trombay, Mumbai, India, December 18-22, 2000}. 2001;57:251-262.
Detmold W, Melnitchouk W., Thomas AWilliam. "Parton distributions from lattice QCD." Eur. Phys. 2001;3:13.
